2011wicky 发表于 2011-11-17 11:41:00


問有否高手指點?在WES7安裝WIN XP成功過.但安裝android-x86-3.2失敗.曾經在USB安裝android-x86-3.2非常正常啟動..但在vhd安裝android-x86-3.2無法啟動...

2011huisinro 发表于 2011-11-17 12:26:23

are you trying to boot a physical computer with Android from a vhd file? so far, that's impossible.

We are working on vboot Linux to support that, but not ready yet. We will release an Android vm with VMLite Workstation.

2011aaa 发表于 2011-11-18 23:05:22

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