e - edit the current command
e - 编辑当前命令
t - edit the current title
t - 编辑当前标题
c - open a terminal window
c - 打开一个终端窗口
2 - open two terminal window
2 - 打开两个终端窗口
F5 - mapped to ctrl-x, used to finish edit and save the result
F5 - 被映射到ctrl-x,用于编辑完成后保存结果
F6 - move to next anchor, normally have the same function as TAB, but it is useful in cases where TAB is used for other function (such as term),
F6 - 移动至下一个锚点,和 TAB 键作用基本相同,但在 TAB 键已被用作其他用途(比如term)时很有用。??
F8 - toggle between text and graphic mode
F8 - 在文件模式和图形模式之间进行切换
F9 - shutdown
F9 - 关机
F10 - reboot
F10 - 重新启动
ESC - return from popup window
ESC - 从弹出窗口返回
主题文件的格式相当简单,{ }是用于启动子节点,与用于设置属性,一个简单的例子:
screen {
panel {
extend = 1
valign = center
halign = center
panel {
class = frame
id = __menu__
panel {
id = __timeout__
attach_bottom = 1
width = 60%
halign = center
height = 1
progressbar {
width = 100%
height = 100%
color = "red:brown"
mapkey {
f5 = ctrl-x
有两个命令读取主题文件:load_config and merge_config。例如: