•New icon (thanks to Marco !)
•Add option to convert '//' into '/'
•Add DNS relay advertisement in Settings windows
•fix : crash on empty DNS request
•Suppress warning "DHCP mask empty" if DHCP is disabled
•Improved: disk caching behavior
•Fix: use of unsigned 32 bits int for file size reporting (impact only file >2Gb)
•Change: behavior on duplicate requests
•New: compiled under Visual studio 2019
•Improved: increased size of dir window and better alignment
•Add: exponential delay for statistics reports 作者: jssqysb 时间: 2019-3-1 16:19
全外文不懂,干什么用的软件啊作者: zlq_hysy 时间: 2019-3-1 17:51
ftp服务器 作者: 2011_ygl905 时间: 2019-3-3 01:30