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KONBOOT (Major Update)

发表于 2010-4-29 22:23:30 | 显示全部楼层
我的电脑是win xp和win 7双系统,另外还用wubi的方式安装了ubuntu,在使用KONBOOT时,成功绕过win 7的密码进入系统。但是,在启动win xp时不成功。就是在选择系统的那个菜单,我选择了win xp,按回车键后马上就蓝屏了,而且是一闪而过又立即重启了。

The following content is Google automatic translation, do not know maanu friends can not understand.

My computer is win xp and win 7 dual system, the way is also installed with wubi ubuntu, when using KONBOOT successfully win 7 to bypass the password into the system. However, when the unsuccessful start win xp. Is that the menu selection system, I chose win xp, press the Enter key immediately after the blue screen, and it was flashed immediately restarted.

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