DriverPack Solution After half of the user's first flood windows, the main drivers are hard drivers, and this is more colorful about laptops and half of the new windows supported on them. DriverPack Solution or DRP is actually a free and open software, which, apart from the ability to identify drivers, also has the latest version of those drivers with it, and received it once. The total number of hard drivers will be available for different windows32 and 64 bits. DriverPack Solution Software options and features: - Simple and easy to use with French support - You've got two normal and improved jobs for better management. - Determine non-installed hardware and base their latest version - Found and updated drivers - including XP window drivers and then - Support both versions of 32 and 64 bits of Windows - Full version of Windows servers And... DriverPack Solution set: It also has a Lite version that includes only drivers' identification tools and must be separated from each driver. - On the main program website, a sustainable and final version of the tournament is presented in the community and related sites. - Because of the fact that the program is open to various editions, it is usually the latest version. - It's faster to go up to the top, and it's better to download all links into the administrative software to be downloaded after the latest version of the download. - Sometimes it may be wrong to identify drivers.