使用uedit32 按下面修改setupldr.bin
You can now modify setupldr.bin of the follwing windows:
Windows Server 2003 SP1
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition
Windows PE 2005
The setupldr.bin of the above versions is the same and has a checksum check built-in so when you try to modify it you get:
"NTLDR is corrupt. The system cannot boot."
In order to crack it:
open it with your favorite hex editor
goto hex address: 0x2060
change "74 03" to "EB 1A"
save it
Now you can replace:
all occurrences of "i386", "I386" to "ABCD" (where ABCD is anything you want - 4 characters long)
"\amd64", "\AMD64" to "\EFGHI" and
"amd64\", "AMD64\" to "EFGHI\" (where EFGHI is anything you want - 5 characters long)
Do not replace all occurrences of "amd64" since some of them refer to a section of txtsetup.sif
In order to find what files need to be copied to the directories ABCD and EFGHI open command prompt, go to the directory you have txtsetup.sif and enter:
type TXTSETUP.SIF | findstr /r ",_[1-9] ,[1-9]_" > c:\out.txt
and copy the files listed there from I386 to ABCD and AMD64 to EFGHI.
For anyone curious, open the setupldr.bin with hiew, goto the above hex address and see the surrounding assembly code.