本人尝试多次,在winpe上运行VMware workstation,不管是完整版,精简绿色版都会报错,上网查了N多资料,没有可行的办法,
在这里有For BartPE的vmware Plugin:http://www.bootcd.us/BartPE_Plugin_Details/535/VMware-Workstation-4_5_2-Plugin.html,
This is a test to find out if this plugin works without my customizations on XPE1.02
I don't expect this to work on XP or with any other shell than XPE 1.02.
I think you will need a WMI-repository and MSI ..... let's find out about compatibilty of this plugin and your PE.
Please do not redistribute this at this stage because I expect it to change a lot next weeks.
This plugin needs some more preparation than usual. Here is a description of the necessary steps.
XPE 1.0.2 - MSI - 2k3-built of BartPE - a standard installation of VMware on a 2k3 system
This plugin needs files in several system-folders and about 20MB in a program folder. The programs runs from
Ram-drive and in this case R:\ws452 as installpath is hardcoded into all infs - sorry for that - %temp%\ws452 doesn't work for me. Run search and replace on all files if you need to change that. I don't like B: for RAMdrive as I use to have a virtual floppy on this letter. You can decide wether you want files on CD or in a self-extracting archive - for this plugin I used files on CD.
In some cases you probably have to rename some files for example the oem (?).infs - this plugin uses oem0-oem2.
You can change the oem-number - run s+r on all files to adjust.
Most of the registry entries can be done via an *.inf file. There are some registry-entries that can't be processed by PE-builder - they have to be merged in when BartPE is alive. The plugin uses a cmd to export the registry entries.
If the SAM - branch does not contain more than just the header you have to change permissions on HKLM\SAM so that it expands upto
I use the driveletter R:\ for this build - B:\ is better suited for a virtual floppy drive - so I changed the driveletter. I recommend useing a RAMdrive with 256MB or more. If you try less be prepared to see RAMdrive-crashs quite often.
Don't expect this plugin to work if you are building a BartPE for systems with less than 512MB of RAM. If you only need
raw-disk-creation you can build for smaller systems - in this case you may even be able to use programfiles on CD instead of RAM-drive to safe about 20MB of RAM.
Testing in a VM:
You can and should test your builts before writing them to media in VMware. 512MB-VMs are enough as you will not be able to start a VM while running on VMware - it may work in Virtual PC but I don't know for sure. If you can push the play-button and get the No VM in a VM message your built is ready for toasting it.
?/p> Run make.cmd and read ws452-files-only.inf
VMware is launched by running vmware.cmd
It finally works !
A month ago I had almost given up - 2 months of running against a wall and I still was not able to introduce the "_vmware_user_" pseudo NT-acount that I needed to actually start a VM. Now I know it was worth the time.
The trick was simply to export the SAM-hive at the right time and to merge it into BartPE at the right time.
I never seen any other plugin make use of the SAM-hive - the pebuilder is not even able to process this kind of registry stuff - so I needed some time until I started looking into non-obvious directions . Another tricky aspect was the sequence in which the different ingredients have to be loaded at boot-time.
Anyway - now I got a way to build a working version based on a 2k3 build with some kind of explorer shell. It is repeatable on different builds, different methods to load network and different explorer-shells. Here is a short outline of the required actions: make a clean install of VMware into R:\ws452 - use installrite to capture classes. Hand edit the registry entries for the drivers. Create a profile-dir with settings for VMware - all users and default users. Manually copy installer dir into build dir as the pebuilder won't accept the dir name. Setup a config.ini and a preferences.ini that fit this special working conditions. Create a BartPE with a RAM-drive as large as possible. Install classes and drivers via *.inf. At boot-time register some *.ocx files, register the 3 dlls needed, copy profiles to RAM-drive, add System-acount to administrator group and finally merge the _vmware_user_ and the group settings.
Well - the working speed is slow compared with a standard install. But I don't think that this argument counts much in those situations where a VMware-LiveCD would be useful.
Desaster recovery - you can start your VMs when your host-system is unusable. You can extract files from Linux or BSD VMs and so on.
P2V - you can easily find out if a target-system will run in VMware - just go to the target, boot it from BartPE and run the target-system as a VM. Create raw-disks to convert them into vmdk-files.
Forensic - boot a target-system once and be able to read any filesystem natively just by starting small "translator VMs"
Not all functions are fully working at this time - the biggest problem - passing the check of the _vmware_user_ - is solved and everything else will be simple.
Don't expect a plugin tomorrow - as this will become the most complicated plugin I have ever seen. Actually I use a mixture of *.infs, editing build dir and merging *.reg-files at runtime. Now it runs on a 2k3 build with XPE. I will try XPsp1 as well but I see no point in adopting it for XPsp2 at this time.
Amazingly it doesn't matter if you put the VMware-dir in the ram-drive or onto the CD. I think the option to put it into program-dir looks more promising so I will follow that road.
Another idea that I will try is to load the complete BartPE with VMware into RAM so that I can change CDs and insert media with prebuilt VMs.
It is possible to install Virtual PC into the same BartPE build.
My current build includes VMware 4.5.2, Virtual PC, SSH-client with user-keys (client from ssh.com), an older demo-version of X-win 32, various remote control clients like ultravnc, Citrix-clients and some disk-image mounting tools like file-disk, Ken Katos vdk.exe and some P2V scripts. I hope to replace Virtual PC by Virtual Server and to add Svista-serenity as well. I don't have access to these versions now so that may take some time but I am sure that it is possible.
[ 本帖最后由 adoijay 于 2008-2-18 11:35 AM 编辑 ] |