哪位能提供vmware server版下载啊?
? ? ?
郯? 苘 鄄? ? 鄄?
? ? ? 鄄 ? ? ? 郯? 苘 ?
郯? 苘 咣? 哌 苒? 苘 ? 鄄 ?
? 鄄 ? 懿? 哕 苓 膊? 鄄 ? 哌
苘 哌 苘策 膊 鄄 卟苘 哌 咣? 苒?
鄄 ? 苘鄄哌 懿? 卟? 哌槽苘 鄄 槽 苘
哌 懿圹哌 苘懿哌 哌曹苘 哌圹曹 苘圹?咣圮? 鄄 ?
槽圹 槽圻? 哌圹? 圹鄄 懿槽 咣鄄曹?哌
卟苘 哌鄄? 圹? 苘? 圹? 懿哌苘圹?咣圮 圹圹圹圮?
圹鄄? 圻 苒圹圮 哕槽? 懿圹?哕苒槽圻 槽? 圹圹 哌圹曹
圹圹槽苘 ? 苒圹圹哌 槽圮苘苘苘苘苘圹圹?苒鄄圹? 苘槽?? 圹圹 圹?
圹鄄 咣圹苘策圹鄄? 咣圹圮 哌哌哌圹圹? 圹圹? 苒圹? 郯?圹圹 懿哌
圹圹 ?圹策 咣圹? 咣鄄? 苘苒圹圹 槽圹? 槽圹? ? 圹圹 ?
圹圹 鄄?圻 圹圹 苒圹? 苘圹鄄圹圹? 圹圹 卟圹苘 圹圹苘苘?鄄?
圹圹 ? ? 圹圹 懿圻?苒圻? 圹槽? 圹圹 哌? 圹圹哌 ?
圹圹 ? 圹圹 圻 懿圻 苘 圹圹? 圹圹 膊圹 哕?
圻苘圻 苘 圹圹 槽? 鄄 ? 圹圹? 膊圹 哕苘 圹圹 咣圮
苒圻 鄄 ? 圹圹苘 槽圮 哌 圹圹圹? 圹圹 圹鄄圮?槽圹圮苘懿圹曹
膊圹?? 哌 苒膊? 哌圹苘 苒圹圹鄄?哌圹圮苘 圹圹 ? 哌卟圹圻
哌槽?咣? 苓? 哌圹圹圹圻?苒圻 苘?哌圹圹圮 苘?苒鄄?
卟苘 卟?咣圮 苓 苘苘? 苒圹? ? 哌圮 卟圹圮 懿圻 苒策 苘策
咣?膊 鄄? 槽 膊圹策 槽圹 鄄? 咣? 槽鄄?圹曹 鄄 鄄
策 ?懿圻 卟?哌圹?卟圹? ? 苒?苒圻? 咣曹 哕 卟圮
苓 苒? 苘 苘 卟圮 卟?咣圹? 懿?懿? 咣曹 槽?
苘 膊 鄄 ? ?佰 卟? 膊 圹膊 槽 膊 iMMORTAL^BV 卟? 懿哌
?佰 哕 哌 鄄 ? 苒?苒?苒圻? 苘 咣?咣? 苘 苓 ?
鄄 ? 苘 哌 懿? 苘哌 ?佰 哌苘 鄄 ? 苘
哌 ?佰 咣 鄄 ? 哌 ?佰
鄄 ? 苘? 哕 MAGE PRESENTS 哌 哕? 鄄 ?
VMware ESX Server 2
鄄 ? 圹曹 苘 苘 懿圹 鄄?
? 哌 ? 哌圹曹 咣曹 懿圻 懿圹哌 ? ?
鄄? 鄄? 咣? 鄄? 膊? 槽? 鄄?苘
? ? 苘圻 圹圻 咣圹 咣苘 ?鄄 ?
苘 哌?苘策? 哌曹?哌?苘 哌
苘圻?苘懿圻哌 哌咣曹苘 咣苘
苒? ? ? 咣?
苒? ?苘 哕 哕? 苘?苓 苘? 咣?
膊 苘 咣曹 懿? 圹?RELEASE NOTES 槽? 卟? 懿圻 苘 膊
? 哕 咣曹 圹? ? 苘膊哌 哌膊苘 ? 槽? 懿圻 苓 ?
鄄? 苒鄄 苒策 苘 哌 哌 苘 卟圮 槽圮 鄄?
? 苒鄄哌 苘策? 哌曹?哌槽圮 ?
鄄? 苒策 SUPPLIER.....: Joe 卟圮 卟?
咣苘 咣曹 CRACKER......: Joe Mamma 懿圻 苘圻
苘 哌 哌圮 苓 PACKAGER.....: Joe Daddy 哕 苒哌 哌 ?
鄄 ? ? 哌圮 苒哌 ? 鄄? ?
哌 懿? 苘? 哌? RELEASE DATE.: 10/08/2003 苓? 哕? 卟?? 鄄?
懿圻 懿圻 ? RELEASE SiZE.: 1 CDs- ? 咣曹 咣圮 ?
膊? 圹曹 哕? CRACK TYPE...: keygen 苘? 懿圹 鄄?
咣圮 哌圹曹 咣曹 懿圻 懿圹哌 苒策
? 卟? 咣? 鄄? Release Type.: APP 膊? 槽? 懿?
鄄? ? 苘圻 圹圻 OS...........: Non-OS Dependent 咣圹 咣苘 ? 苘
? 苘 哌?苘策? 哌曹?哌?苘 鄄 ?
? 苘懿圻哌 ? ? 哌咣曹苘 ?哌
苓? 苘? 哕 哕? 苘?苓 苘? 哌?
膊 苘 咣曹 懿? 圹? 槽? 卟? 懿圻 苘 膊
? 哕 咣曹 圹? ? 苘膊哌 哌膊苘 ? 槽? 懿圻 苓 ?
鄄? 苒鄄 苒策 苘 哌 哌 苘 卟圮 槽圮 鄄?
苒鄄哌 苘策 We are a closed group so Fuck 0ff 哌曹?哌槽圮
This software is for EVALUATION purposes ONLY. If you use this software
to make money or use it commercially, you deserve to rot and burn in hell.
VMware ESX Server is virtual machine software for partitioning and consolidating
systems in the most demanding environments. It is a cost-effective, highly
scalable virtual machine platform with advanced resource management capabilities.
VMware ESX Server transforms physical systems into a pool of logical computing
resources. Operating systems and applications are isolated in multiple virtual
machines that reside on a single piece of hardware. System resources are dynamically
allocated to any operating system based on need, providing mainframe-class capacity
utilization and control of server resources.
VMware ESX Server simplifies server infrastructure by partitioning and isolating
server resources in secure and portable virtual machines. VMware ESX Server enables
these server resources to be remotely managed, automatically provisioned, and
standardized on a uniform platform. Advanced resource management controls allow
IT administrators to guarantee service levels across the enterprise.
VMware ESX Server runs directly on the system hardware to provide a secure,
uniform platform for deploying, managing, and remotely controlling multiple
virtual machines.
MaGE would like to thank SSG for the supply of this awesome app, as well as
the keygen. Without you guys none of this would be possible.
Installation Notes: Burn the bin/cue....Remember this is an OS-Independent
program. It runs directly on the hardware, not inside the OS (IE don't try to
run this from inside windows or linux, etc. It WON'T work). Install and use
the provided keygen to generate a key (NOTE: the keygen is a linux executable ment
to be run on the ESX server, not a windows app!)
咣苘 咣曹 懿圻 苘圻
苘 哌 哌圮 苓 ? ? 哕 苒哌 哌 苘
鄄 ? ? 哌圮 哕 哕? 苘?苓 苒哌 ? 鄄 ?
哌 懿? 苘? 哌? 懿? 圹? GROUP NEWS 槽? 卟? 苓? 哕? 卟? 哌
懿圻 懿圻 ? ? 苘膊哌 哌膊苘 ? ? 咣曹 咣圮
膊? 圹曹 哕? 苘 哌 哌 苘 苘? 懿圹 鄄?
咣圮 哌圹曹 咣曹 懿圻 懿圹哌 苒策
? 卟? 咣? 鄄? MaGE is a dedicated group of 膊? 槽? 懿?苘
鄄? ? 苘圻 圹圻 friends and old skoolers whose 咣圹 咣苘 ? 鄄 ?
? 苘 哌?苘策? mission is to bring quality rel's 哌曹?哌?苘 哌 ?
? 苘懿圻哌 to the scene. If you can supply 哌咣曹苘 ?鄄?
苓? 苘? unreleased software or dvd's we 苘? 哌? ?
?膊 苘 咣曹 need to talk. Our mission is to 懿圻 苘 膊
鄄?哕 咣曹 圹? first and foremost have fun. 槽? 懿圻 苓
? 苒鄄 苒策 卟圮 槽圮 ?
苒鄄哌 苘策? 哌曹?哌槽圮 鄄
苒鄄哌 苘策? 哕 哕? 苘?苓 哌曹?哌槽圮 鄄 ?
鄄? 苒策 懿? 圹?CONTACT MAGE 槽? 卟? 卟圮 卟?哌
咣苘 咣曹 ? 苘膊哌 哌膊苘 ? 懿圻 苘圻
苘 哌 哌圮 苓 苘 哌 哌 苘 哕 苒哌 哌 ?
鄄 ? ? 哌圮 苒哌 ? 鄄?
哌 懿? 苘? 哌? iRC..: Ya Sure 苓? 哕? 卟? ?
懿圻 懿圻 ? WEB..: Ya Sure ? 咣曹 咣圮
膊? 圹曹 哕? MAiL.: Ya Sure 苘? 懿圹 鄄?
咣圮 哌圹曹 咣曹 懿圻 懿圹哌 苒策
? 卟? 咣? 鄄? ? ? 膊? 槽? 懿?苘
鄄? ? 苘圻 圹圻 哕 哕? 苘?苓 咣圹 咣苘 ? 鄄 ?
? 苘 哌?苘策? 懿? 圹? GREETiNGS 槽? 卟? 哌曹?哌?苘 哌
? 苘懿圻哌 ? 苘膊哌 哌膊苘 ? 哌咣曹苘 ? ?
苓? 苘? 苘 哌 iNDiViDUALS 哌 苘 苘? 哌?鄄?
膊 苘 咣曹 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 懿圻 苘 膊 ?
?哕 咣曹 圹? Everyone that means a shit.. 槽? 懿圻 苓 苘
鄄? 苒鄄 苒策 You know who you are :-) 卟圮 槽圮 鄄 ?
?苒鄄哌 苘策? 哌曹?哌槽圮 哌
鄄? 苒策 GROUPS! 卟圮 卟?
咣苘 咣曹 ~~~~~~~~~ 懿圻 苘圻
苘 哌 哌圮 苓 哕 苒哌 哌 苘
鄄 ? ? 哌圮 Everyone we like :-) 苒哌 ? 鄄 ?
哌 懿? 苘? 哌? 苓? 哕? 卟? 哌
懿圻 懿圻 ? ? 咣曹 咣圮
膊? 圹曹 哕? ?? ? ? ?? 苘? 懿圹 鄄?
咣圮 哌圹曹 咣曹 哕 哕? 苘?苓 懿圻 懿圹哌 苒策
苘 卟? 咣? 鄄? 懿? 圹?asci:iMMORTAL 槽? 卟? 膊? 槽? 懿? 苘
?佰 ? 苘圻 圹圻 ? 苘膊哌 BEYOND-ViSiON 哌膊苘 ?咣圹 咣苘 ? ?佰
鄄 ? 苘 哌?苘策? 苘 哌 哌 苘 哌曹?哌?苘 鄄 ?
哌 苘懿圻哌 ? ? 哌咣曹苘 ? 哌
苓? 卟? 卟? 哌?
膊 ? 馨? 馨? ? 膊
哕 鄄? ? ? 鄄? 苓
? ?
"This group is dedicated to those that have gone before and
to those that will follow..LET'S ROCK" |