使用的是INT 15H 的AX=53XXH的功能调用来关机。下面是汇编源代码:
;ShutDown v1.2 written by BlackLight 2001
;Download my other software from my website at www.blacklight.wxs.org
;assemble this prog with the MAGIC ASSEMBLER by Magic Software Rotterdam
;Download it here (freeware):
;What's new?
;v1.2 - added smartdrive flush
;v1.1 - added command-line parameter support
;v1.0 - first version
mov ax,160a ;check for Windows
int 2f
cmp ax,0000
jne @NoWin
mov dx,offset(WinErr) ;print error message
mov ah,9
int 21
jmp @Exit
@NoWin jmp @Start
WinErr db 'This program cannot be run under Windows.' 0a 0d '$'
Txt db 'ShutDown v1.2 ?www.blacklight.wxs.org' 0a 0d '$'
SyntaxTxt db 'Syntax: SHUTDOWN [S(hutdown)|R(estart)]' 0a 0d '$'
Question db 'S(hutdown), R(estart), or C(ancel)? $'
NoATX db 'Could not shutdown! No ATX maybe?$' 0a 0d
KeyOff db 'S'
KeyRes db 'R'
KeyCan db 'C'
KeyEsc db %d27
@Syntax mov ah,9
mov dx,offset(SyntaxTxt)
int 21
jmp @Exit
@Start mov ah,9 ;Show program name
mov dx,offset(Txt)
int 21
cmp byte [0081],0d ;Check if any parameters given
je @NoPars
mov si,81 ;get parameters
@ParLoop lodsb
cmp al,0d ;if end reached with no result
je @Syntax ; show syntax
and al,DF ;convert AL to uppercase
cmp al,KeyOff ;check for S parameter
je @DoOffW
cmp al,KeyRes ;check for R parameter
je @DoResW
jmps @ParLoop ;not recognized,goto next char.
@NoPars mov ah,9 ;Show question
mov dx,offset(Question)
int 21
@DoAsk xor ah,ah ;Ask for key
int 16
cmp al,KeyEsc ;Check if 'Esc'-key pressed
je @DoCan
and al,DF ;convert AL to uppercase
cmp al,KeyOff ;Check if 'S'-key pressed
je @DoOff
cmp al,KeyRes ;Check if 'R'-key pressed
je @DoRes
cmp al,KeyCan ;Check if 'C'-key pressed
je @DoCan
jmps @DoAsk ;Invalid key pressed, ask again...
@ShowKey mov ah,2 ;Show the pressed key
mov dl,al
int 21
mov ah,9 ;Show CrLf
mov dx,offset(CrLf)
int 21
ret ;return
CrLf db 0a 0d '$'
@DoRes call @ShowKey
@DoResW call @FlushSD
jmpf ffff:0000 ;this instruction will reboot the
@DoOff call @ShowKey
@DoOffW jmps @ATXOff
@DoCan call @ShowKey
@Exit mov ax,4c00 ;exit to DOS
int 21
@ATXOff call @FlushSD ;flush smartdrive cache
mov ax,5301 ;Function 5301h: APM ?Connect real-mode interface
xor bx,bx ;Device ID: 0000h (=system BIOS)
int 15 ;Call interrupt: 15h
mov ax,530e ;Function 530Eh: APM ?Driver version
mov cx,0102 ;Driver version: APM v1.2
int 15 ;Call interrupt: 15h
mov ax,5307 ;Function 5307h: APM ?Set system power state
mov bl,01 ;Device ID: 0001h (=All devices)
mov cx,0003 ;Power State: 0003h (=Off)
int 15 ;Call interrupt: 15h
;if the program is still running here, there was an error...
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset(NoATX)
int 21
jmps @Exit
FlushMsg1 db 'Flushing SMARTDRV buffers...$'
FlushMsg2 db 'done' 0a 0d '$'
@FlushSD mov ah,9
mov dx,offset(FlushMsg1)
int 21
mov ax,4A10 ;flush smartdrv/pccache buffers
mov bx,1
int 1A
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset(FlushMsg2)
int 21
[ 本帖最后由 netwinxp 于 2007-10-22 02:57 AM 编辑 ] |