原帖由 maanu 于 2010-1-17 12:08 发表
i keep getting error when i tried the latest xpebuilder from FTP ,
i have attached the log , plz see
Maanu from Pakistan
The log file indicated a failure in loading setupreg.hiv from the %TargetDir%\i386\system32. The most possible reason was that you did not have such a file in place at all. It looks like you simply started to run winbuilder-scripts directly without a required Pre-built BartpeCore using pebuilder. In facts, this thread is actually a tutorial guiding the users to build their own xpe from ground zero in the following steps:
1. Use PEBuilder to pre-build a BartpeCore with Chinese and Network support. (5 plugins only: barpe.inf, ChinesePlugin.inf, penetcfg.inf, dcomlaunch.inf, sermouse.inf)
2. Use Winbuilder (01-BartPEPlus.script) to adding FBWF, RAMDRIV, WIMFLTR, BCDEdit, BootSect, ImageX, and others to Pre-built BartpeCore. (This is the step you failed.)
3. Use Winbuilder (02-ExplorerShell.script) to add Explorer Shell to the PE compilation (-> xpe), utilities like PELOADER, PESHELL, PELOGON, PECMD will also be added.
4. Use Winbuilder (03-XpePostProcess.script) to make post-process and simplification to the PE compilation, reducing size of the xpe-core from 180MB to about 65MB.
5. Use Winbuilder (04-XpeMassStorage.script) to add MassStorage drivers to the XPE compilation.
6. Use Winbuilder (05-XpeResourceHack.script) to further optimize and 'colorize' resources (with resource hacker and upx).
My target readers are those who can read this thread and with advanced skill level so that they can understand my scripts and are able to make modification by themselves. I know you do not read Chinese (at least not fluently), I therefore suggest you to open each of the plugins and scripts (which were writen in English and could be interpreted quite easily) and learn what they are all about, and then you can try to run the above 6 steps one by one until you get them all straighten out. |