GeeXBOX! 9M 大小的多媒体播放平台(光盘、硬盘、U盘都能用)
出处: geexbox+grub-generator.zip\geexbox+grub-generator\DOCS
这里有些有用的信息:* Language :
You can easily select your preferred menu language by editing the file
GEEXBOX/etc/lang. This as no effect on DVD language (see the MPlayer
section). If your language is not available, you can translate the menu
in your own language. This simply involve the creation of
GEEXBOX/etc/mplayer/menu_LANG.conf and
* MPlayer :
This is where you can do most of the configuration and tweaking.
The options take place in the file packages/MPlayer/mplayer.conf.
You may want to modify options such as OSD font size (subfont-text-scale).
You can also add lots of options such as DVD default language
(eg: alang=fr,en). The best place to find them is the MPlayer manpage
for Linux users (man -l build/MPlayer-*/DOCS/mplayer.1). You should also
have a look at the MPlayer documentation (in build/MPlayer-*/DOCS or at
Another file you may modify is the packages/MPlayer/menu.conf. You can
remove items you don';t need, or you can translate it in your own language
for example.
Then the last file you can look at is the packages/MPlayer/build which
contain the selection of options which are built into MPlayer.
* tvout :
Enabling the TV-Out is achieved with the help of multiple small programs
dedicated to different video card brands. Currently we use atitvout
for ATI cards, s3switch for S3 cards and nvtv for nVidia cards (and
possibly intel i810 and 3dfx cards). The configuration of those programs
is done in config/tvout. There you can choose the TV standard you
want (pal, ntsc...) and you can also modify specific options for nvtv.
Please note that you can also define the output aspect (say 4:3 or 16:9
display) in this file through the line :
This parameter will be used both for TVOut and regular (CRT/TFT) display.
You can also specify the desired height/width values and your display';s
horizontal and vertical frequencies in case you have unusual screen like
WideScreens or videoprojector. This can be done, editing the
/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf file. Default parameters are shown below (please
uncomment lines related to frequency if you want to use them) :
* Lirc :
You can choose one of the supported remote controller by editing the file
GEEXBOX/etc/remote. Also take care to chose the corresponding ir receiver
in the same configuration file. If you want to modify the key binding of
your remote controler, look at the file GEEXBOX/etc/lirc/lircrc_REMOTE.
* network :
You can configure the network in the file GEEXBOX/etc/network.
There you can chose the IP address used by the GeeXboX (default is to
use DHCP and if it don';t work, fall back to
You can also specify a login and a password which will be used to connect
to windows shares (default will only connect to anonymous shares).
You can also declare some NFS mounts in GEEXBOX/etc/nfs.
* wifi :
By default, GeeXboX tries to autodetect your network settings.
If you have both traditionnal NIC and WiFi cards, only the latest will
be setup. You may have to modify the /etc/network file in order to fit
your network';s settings.
In this one, 4 lines are related to wireless cards :
* PHY_TYPE="auto" # Network physical type (auto|ethernet|wifi)
* WIFI_MODE="managed" # Wifi working mode (managed|ad-hoc)
* WIFI_WEP="" # Wifi WEP key
* WIFI_ESSID="any" # Wifi SSID
These lines let you configure most of the settings. You can let
autodetection enable or even force the use of ethernet or WiFi adapters.
In the same way, this let you choose between the managed and the ad-hoc
mode and let you define your WEP key and SSID.
* gateway :
GeeXboX supports access to the Internet. In the case you';ve got a
connection to the Internet, you may share it with your multimedia box,
using a router or a gateway. For this, simply define the gateway IP
address in the /etc/network file.
* GATEWAY="" # Gateway IP ("" for DHCP or no internet connection)
* tv configuration :
GeeXboX supports TV inputs and tuners. The system hardly tries to
autodetect the card and the tuner. You can force the settings and skip
the autodetection try. Please modify the /etc/tvcard as described :
#TV CARD/TUNER Model (AUTO for autodetection or look at the following urls)
Please let the AUTO parameter whether you want to keep autodetection,
or replace it by the number of your card and tuner types, according to
the previous URL. Please be careful : in order to force the card and tuner
types, you have to know the EXACT REFERENCES of your hardware.
Once done, you should be able to use the TV inputs (Composite and S-VHS)
of your TV card. In the same way, you can use the tuner to watch TV.
For that, you will have to define the region you belongs to and the
frequency of the TV channels you want to watch.
Once again, simply edit the /etc/tvcard file :
# TV Channels
# Syntax : CHAN="Channel Title":"Channel Frequency"
# Example :
# CHAN="France 2":"26"
# CHAN="Canal +":"K08"
# TV Channels List
# Available : france, europe-east, europe-west, us-bcast, us-cable
Please be careful when editing channels and simply use the same syntax
as described above and TV channels should be present in the main menu.
* audio configuration :
GeeXboX supports both analog and digital audio output through regular JACK
connectors or RCA SPDIF one. By default, output is set to analog. You can
change this, by editing the /etc/audio file :
# Output using SPDIF (yes/no), otherwise ANALOG output
Remember that you will need to set your output to SPDIF if you want
to connect your soundcard to an external amplifier for decoding AC3/DTS
streams (using passthrough mode).
* DXR3/Hollywood+ cards :
Users with this kind of hardware decompression card does NOT even need
to have a video board and sound card to use GeeXboX. On the drawbacks,
only the tvout connector can be used with DXR3 cards (no CRT display).
You may have to set the required image norm (PAL/NTSC) in the /etc/tvout
file and the kind of audio output you want to use (Analog or SPDIF)
in /etc/audio. |