- default 3
- timeout 5
- clear
- hiddenmenu
- title 0. Micro Windows PE With Universal ATA driver (ramdisk only)
- chainloader ()/WXPE/SETUPLDR.B2N
- title 1. Micro Windows PE Without Sata/Raid/SCSI (WDSYS)
- map --mem --unsafe-boot ()/WXPE/WINPE.IM_ (hd0)
- map --hook
- map (0xff) (0xff)
- map (hd32) (hd32)
- map --rehook
- chainloader (hd0,0)/setupldr.bin
- title 2. Micro Windows PE With Universal ATA driver (WDSYS)
- map --mem --unsafe-boot ()/WXPE/WINPE.IM_ (hd0)
- map --hook
- map (0xff) (0xff)
- map (hd32) (hd32)
- map --rehook
- chainloader (hd0,0)/setupldr.b1n
- title 3. Micro Windows PE With S&R&S driver (WDSYS+SCSI.IMG)
- fallback 2
- find --set-root /MINIPE/SCSI.IMG
- map --mem --unsafe-boot (cd)/WXPE/WINPE.IM_ (hd0)
- map ()/MINIPE/SCSI.IMG (fd0)
- map --hook
- chainloader (fd0)/io.sys
复制代码 |