IBM 应急与恢复系统,英文名称是IBM Rescue and Recovery with Rapid Restore,简称R&R,是一个功能强大,实现一键灾难恢复的环境。它包含了一系列自我恢复的工具,帮助用户来进行自我诊断,获得帮助,并从软件/系统崩溃中恢复回来。有了这些工具,IBM应急与恢复系统帮助用户解决数据恢复的问题,大至整个系统崩溃下的数据恢复,小到仅仅需要恢复某个已损坏或者已删除的文件。在支持IBM 应急与恢复系统的机型上,在Windows操作系统中,可以很轻松地打开并运行IBM应急与恢复系统;甚至于在Windows操作系统不可用的情况,也可以轻松按下蓝色的Access IBM按键(某些机型上是F11键)来启用IBM应急与恢复系统。因此,IBM应急与恢复系统的存在,减少了用户向IT管理人员寻求帮助的麻烦,节省了解决系统崩溃/恢复数据所需的时间。
The IBM® Rescue and Recovery™ with Rapid Restore™ product (hereafter called the Rescue and Recovery program) provides a number of features that can help you recover from a problem, even if you cannot start the Windows® operating system. Main features include: v Full and incremental hard disk backup through the IBM Rapid Restore Ultra program. Backup files can be stored in a protected area of your hard disk, on recordable CD or DVD media, on a network drive, or on a USB device. v Full hard disk recovery using backup files created by the Rapid Restore Ultra program. v Recovery and transfer of individual files stored on your local hard disk in Windows partitions, a network drive, or from a Rapid Restore Ultra backup file. v The Rescue and Recovery workspace, which runs independently of the Windows operating system. Through the Rescue and Recovery workspace you can restore your hard disk to one of several saved states, recover files from your Windows partition or from a backup, communicate over the internet, and view useful information about the condition of your computer.
To install this program, you must have the following: v Windows XP or Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3. If you are installing this program on a harddisk that has a capacity of greater than 137 GB, Service Pack 1 is required for Windows XP. v Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. v 128 MB of memory of which no more than 8 MB can be designated as shared memory under the video setup in BIOS. v 800 MB of free disk space.